Dr. Boehnke (M.Sc., PhD, Dalhousie) is an Associate Professor in Biomedical and Molecular Sciences affiliated with the Centre for Neuroscience Studies at Queen’s University, where she has employed behavioural, electrophysiological, molecular, and neuroimaging techniques to examine how the primate brain processes sensory information, directs the eyes to move, and becomes disordered with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. She has taught courses in Learning & Memory, Sensory Physiology, Experimental Methods/Statistics, and ethical issues in the use of neuroscience technologies. In 2021 she hosted a SSHRC-funded conference entitled “A Neurotech Future: Ethical, Legal, and Policy Issues”. The Neurotech Micro-credential Program emerged from this conference and Dr. Boehnke received funding for its development from the Ontario Government.